Tikal Museums

There are two museums inside the Tikal National Park; the Stelae museum and the Sylvannus G. Morley Museum.

The Sylvannus G. Morley Museum

The Sylvannus G. Morley museum is situated to your left as you face the entrance to the site.

Here you will be able to find a reconstruction of the tomb and burial goods of Ha Sawa Chaan K’awil one of the great builders of Tikal. A Replica of the jade found in the tomb can also be seen here (the original can be found in the National Museum, Guatemala City).

Stelae Museum

The Stelae Museum was a project to rescue important stelae from the natural elements. You’ll also find there a reproduction of one of Tikal’s most famous images, the bound captive. A powerful warrior, standing, seen in profile, he looks down with chagrin at his bound wrists.

Opening Hours & Tickets

  • Museums are open from 8 AM to 6 PM every day with the exception of national holidays.
  • For non-locals entrance to the Stelae Museum is 10 GTQ (currently 1.30 USD).
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